The Australian Livestock Exporters’ Council has acknowledged the contribution of retiring chair Simon Crean who stepped down from the position at a board meeting in Darwin this week.
Mr Crean was elected Chairman of ALEC in October 2014 and was re-elected for a second term in 2016.
Prior to that was the head of the Australian Council of Trade Unions before serving as a Federal Member of Parliament for 23 years from 1990 to 2013.
In that time he rose to leader of the Australian Labor Party and Federal Leader of the Opposition and held various ministerial portfolios while in Government, including Primary Industries, Energy, Trade and Regional Development.
ALEC CEO Mark Harvey-Sutton said the industry had made significant progress under Mr Crean’s guidance, and was confident it would continue to do so under incoming chair David Galvin.
Mr Galvin is a former chair of LiveCorp and has extensive experience in the northern pastoral industry, land management, infrastructure and tourism development.
“David Galvin comes to ALEC with a wealth of experience and a strong relationship with our members, I look forward to working with David and continuing the great work Simon has done for ALEC over the past five and half years.” says Mr Harvey-Sutton.
Source: ALEC. To view the current ALEC board members click here
ALEC will be a valued organization to the Australian cattle industry only when they take hard and decisive action with their exporter members.
Until now there are serious breaches of ESCAS regulations in Vietnam and until now, ALEC (all other exporters know who they are) sits by and effectively does little about it. Worse than that, the Cattle Council and other Producer bodies are quite much powerless to intervene.
David G, we hope you will step up and rein in the cowboy exporters. Too much at stake..