MLA’s Lisa Sharp and Richard Norton with Western Kangoulu director, Jonathan Malone and Kelvin Dunrobin, Urannah Property Association, Mackay at the launch of the project at Beef Australia 2018 in Rockhampton last week.
A COLLABORATIVE project will explore the potential for bringing indigenous branded beef products and services to both Australia’s domestic and international beef markets.
The new project will examine the desirability, feasibility and commercial viability of indigenous branded beef products and services – as well as the development of a supply chain strategy for such products.
The impetus for the project was an indigenous branded product concept – marketed as “BlackFella Beef” (Murri Yuri) and developed by Growing Central Queensland (GCQ) and Wangan Jagalingou and Western Kangoulu Indigenous Groups. The project is a collaboration between the Western Kangoulu Indigenous Group, University of Southern Queensland and Meat & Livestock Australia through the MLA Donor Company.
Under the concept, indigenous groups will seek to leverage agricultural opportunities attached to native title negotiations to build a business structure to support the local community.-
Western Kangoulu director Jonathan Malone said “through this project, we aim to demonstrate a business model that could support sustainable indigenous communities, employment, education and training outcomes. It also has the potential to enable future indigenous opportunities in the red meat sector and broader agricultural industries.”
USQ Professor Alice Woodhead said the University would collaborate closely with the Western Kangoulu Indigenous Group, to coordinate the delivery of supply chain strategy, new product development and economic modelling.
“USQ will work with the Group to establish the economics of indigenous herd quality and quantity and the value proposition for indigenous branded beef products. This will build capacity in Indigenous communities to manage additional beef enterprises and understand supply chain and market access,” Professor Woodhead said.
MLA chief marketing and communications officer, Lisa Sharp, said the project would be delivered through MDC’s Producer Innovation Fast Track program which works with producers to accelerate the development and adoption of innovation and capability that have the potential to significantly improve farm-gate returns and overall supply chain performance.
“This is about identifying and working with innovative producers and producer groups to develop their concepts and ensure we are building capability and value in our red meat industry,” Ms Sharp said.
“The focus on beef production systems, specifically with a branded product, clearly identifies the desire to reinvest in community development and provide capability building for the wider red meat industry in regional areas.”
Source: MLA
Looking for you bro Garry
Good to catch up with you bud
More marketing the better and a quirky brand name but one wonders if another marketer called theirs white fella meat, how would it be received? There would be a huge cry of racism……that is how crazy it has become.
Surely this is racism writ large, with a large dose of cultural appropriation, as dot paintings are a European construct, taught to Aboriginals in the 70’s?
ANY marketing effort that can sell more beef or for higher prices is a positive…….hard to say exactly what efforts will do this…….until someone tries.
Best of luck for all their efforts.
I welcome all investment in marketing beef and branding, but I do hope the levy funds for this venture have actually come from indigenous managed and owned beef properties.
BlackFella beef? Gotta be kidding no? Seems like a caricature brand to me.
Must be a better brand story to uncover than that word.
Full names required for future comments please James – as per our long-standing reader comment policy – Editor